The Created For Greatness mentoring program launched in the 2018-19 school year when 6 STRIVE mentors began joining Pottstown middle school students at lunchroom tables several days a week to start building connections. In January 2019, the program added 24 additional trained and screened mentors, bringing the total to 30.

During previous school years, these 30 mentors were matched with students with specific interests in common. Teachers, students, and mentors fostered these relationships during a 7:45-8:30 a.m. mentoring block and during 5-8 grade lunch periods incorporating this form of learning into the school day.

During COVID, students were suddenly thrust from school into uncertain educational territory. Unsurprisingly, students from lower socio-economic backgrounds and BIPOC families were, statistically speaking, more affected by the pandemic disruption to education. STRIVE Initiative is a nonprofit committed to lifting middle school students from these demographics. Despite face-to-face challenges, STRIVE successfully launched a pilot program for tutoring and continued to visit 12 Created For Greatness students and their families during the COVID stay-at-home order.

During the 2021-22 school year STRIVE managed to rebuild the mentoring program to 34 students being mentored.

Look at What We’ve Accomplished!


mentors and volunteers


students reached


raised per student

The Individual Impact

As Created For Greatness cohorts move through high school, we will measure mentoring program completion and high school graduation rates. With each new graduating class, we will survey all STRIVE graduates annually, for five years beyond high school, on higher education and technical school graduation rates, employment rates, and annual income, and then compare these outcomes to state and national data for those who drop out of high school.

STRIVE’s Student Stories

The Community Impact

While the measurable impact to the school district can be assessed through the dropout rate, the long-term impacts on Pottstown, and the communities where Created For Greatness graduates will eventually live, will be harder to quantify. Here is where STRIVE will rely on storytelling to share real-life success stories of how Pottstown students are breaking the cycle of poverty, living healthier lives, succeeding in the workforce, and engaging in the civic life of their communities.