Tamara Charles is a mother of three, a longtime Pottstown resident, a graduate of Pottsgrove, and an Army National Guard Veteran. Tamara served eighteen years in the National Guard and has continued that sense of pubic service by volunteering in her community.
Tamara serves on the Family Advisory Committee for Pottstown School District, to build community between the families of Pottstown students. She serves on the Board of Pottstown Community Action, a volunteer organization whose mission is to empower and improve the quality of life of Pottstown residents.
Tamara has had experience on both the receiving end and the giving end in the non-profit world, so she is dedicated to a life of giving back to make our community better.
STRIVE’s mission is special to her because it has such a positive impact on her own children along with all the youth in Pottstown. Tamara currently works at Southeastern Veterans Center in Spring City, PA.
“This program has connected me with a student I probably would have never met or discovered in passing. The idea of bringing mentoring to students is genuine and genius. Students who have hopes, dreams and goals, but don’t know how to attain them or who to reach out to help them reach their dreams and goals.” – Mentor
“My mentor is caring and sweet. She guides me through a lot of things in life, like troubles with people or family stuff.” – Mentee
“I am so grateful to have a mentor working with us. He is so positive and cares so much about the community. It would be wonderful to have a mentor like him in every classroom because of the impact he makes” – Teacher